
25 Latest Instagram Trends Marketers Need to Know

36 Mins read

In the dynamic world of social media, Instagram remains a key platform for marketers.

Understanding current trends enables companies to stay relevant and engage effectively with their audience.

This often means the difference between gaining a loyal customer or fading into obscurity.

For any marketer looking to excel on Instagram, staying abreast with the prevailing trends becomes critical.

It’s no longer enough to post engaging content, one needs to understand user behavior, hashtag utilization, algorithm changes and more.

In the rapidly evolving Instagram landscape, we aim to provide a comprehensive analysis of the most current and impactful trends.

Latest Instagram Trends Marketers Need To Know

1. Increased Use of Augmented Reality Filters

In recent years, Augmented Reality (AR) filters have gained immense popularity on Instagram.

The spike in user engagement and fun, immersive experiences have propelled AR filters to become one of the most rapidly growing Instagram trends.

Marketers are leveraging this feature to increase brand awareness and to provide personalized experiences to their audience.

By creating custom AR filters, brands can attract more followers and increase user interactions with their posts.

AR filters are fun, engaging, easy to use, and shareable.

When users share their experiences with AR filters, it automatically increases organic reach and brand visibility.

Instagram’s AR filters also offer the potential for viral marketing.

By creating an engaging and unique filter, businesses can ride the wave of user-generated content and benefit from free marketing and increased brand exposure.

Creating custom AR filters helps brands attract more followers and increase user interactions while providing fun and immersive experiences.

AR filters are also being used to demonstrate product usability and features, encouraging users to interact with products in a new, more engaging way.

Existing and potential customers can preview products using AR filters before making a purchase, leading to a higher conversion rate.

AR filters also allow businesses to storytell and create narratives around their products or to simply entertain their audience.

Businesses can use this Instagram feature to either showcase their products, create a fun experience, or build a narrative around their brand that users can interact with and share on their profiles.

As a marketer, mastering the use of AR filters can provide an excellent opportunity to showcase creativity, boost user engagement, and increase visibility.

In summation, the increased use of AR filters reflects a shift towards interactive and immersive experiences in digital marketing.

It also points to the value of personalized, user-focused content in building a strong brand presence on Instagram.

2. Growth in Instagram Live Streaming

In the era of digital marketing, Instagram Live Streaming has emerged as a popular platform for businesses to engage and connect with their audience.

Recent trends indicate a dramatic increase in the use of Live Streaming by brands and influencers alike.

This rising popularity is largely due to the authenticity and real-time engagement that Live Streaming offers to the viewers.

The ability of Instagram Live Streaming to provide a real-time and interactive platform for the brands has made it an indispensable part of any successful marketing strategy.

Marketers are now turning to Instagram Live Streaming to showcase events, launch new products, host Q&A sessions, and even to collaborate with other influencers.

Leveraging this feature helps in building brand loyalty, increasing brand visibility, and creating a more personalized connection with the followers.

Instagram Live Streaming is a tool that has the potential to dramatically increase engagement rates and boost audience growth.

Moreover, in comparison to pre-recorded videos, live streams are perceived as more trustworthy, since they leave no room for fabrication or editing.

Furthermore, Instagram pushes live videos to the front of the story feed, thereby increasing their visibility.

It is also seen that Instagram users are more likely to spend more time watching live videos than scrolling through feeds.

Due to these merits, Instagram Live Streaming is a marketing strategy that’s here to stay, evolving as per user preferences and technological advancements.

However, it’s worth noting that simply going live on Instagram is not enough.

Brands should ensure that their live streams are of high quality, adequately informative, intriguing, and well-planned.

It is also crucial to promote the live stream in advance to ensure maximum viewership.

A well-thought-out Instagram Live Streaming strategy not only resonates with the audience but also provides substantial benefits for businesses.

Paying attention to the preferences of your target audience, experimenting with various content styles, and continually refining your approach can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your live streams, thereby driving your overall Instagram marketing strategy to new heights.

3. Rise of Instagram Guides Feature

The rise of Instagram Guides feature is one of the significant latest trends marketers need to know about Instagram.

The Instagram Guides feature allows creators to share and collate content in an easily digestible format.

Originally, this feature was introduced for wellness content during the COVID-19 pandemic, but soon it proliferated into other categories like products, places, and posts.

Instagram Guides have arisen as a valuable tool for marketers to share in-depth content on Instagram, beyond traditional posts and stories.

It offers the chance to curate content into themed guides, helping brands to represent their products or services using a storytelling format.

The unique structure of Instagram Guides incorporates posts or product listings with titles and subtitles, making it a perfect platform for tutorials, tips or resource lists.

This feature also promotes user engagement by providing an avenue for brands to share user-generated content (UGC), through product reviews or customer testimonials for instance.

Increased visibility is an added advantage as Instagram Guides can be shared across various spheres of Instagram like the profile, story, and even in the Explore section.

This sharing ability extends the reach of the content and also invites more audience interaction.

Additionally, Instagram has recently started allowing shopping features within Guides, which means brands can directly link their products in the Guides, enhancing the shopping experience on Instagram.

To really utilize the Instagram Guides feature, it’s crucial to understand its various capabilities and implications.

By incorporating Instagram Guides into their Instagram strategy, businesses can enhance their customer’s journey by ensuring they have access to complete and comprehensive Guides for their products or services.

Not just beneficial for businesses, Instagram Guides also provides value for the audience as they get to explore not just single posts but a range of curated content focusing on a specific topic or concept.

So, its growing popularity and various capabilities surely make the Instagram Guides feature a rising trend for marketers on Instagram.

Understanding this emerging trend and leveraging it effectively can provide great results in terms of reach, engagement and conversions.

4. Shift towards Shopping on Instagram

Instagram began as a social media platform primarily for sharing personal photos and videos.

In recent years, however, there has been a significant shift towards using the platform for shopping.

Business profiles on Instagram have grown by 25% over the last year, according to Instagram CEO, and over 200 million Instagram users visit at least one business profile daily.

The seamlessness of the shopping experience on Instagram is one of the main reasons for its popularity.

Instagram has made the process of discovering, researching, and purchasing products almost effortless.

Instagram allows businesses to tag products directly in their posts, leading users straight to the product page on their website.

Recently, they’ve introduced Checkout on Instagram in the US, a feature that allows users to make purchases without leaving the app.

The ease of use, combined with the ability to showcase products in a visually appealing way, provides businesses with a powerful tool for online sales.

Instagram has also rolled out the Shop tab, a dedicated space for users to discover and browse products from businesses. It is like having a digital storefront on the user’s feed, making it easier for potential customers to stumble upon your products.

Another recent introduction is Shopping from Creators.

This feature allows influencers to tag products in their posts, providing brands with a new avenue for promotion and sales.

Instagram has recognized the importance of ecommerce and is constantly introducing new features and updates to refine the shopping process on the app.

The shift towards shopping on Instagram is more than just an added benefit for businesses.

It represents a fundamental change in how users interact with the platform.

Shopping has become an intrinsic part of the Instagram experience, blurring the lines between social media and ecommerce.

Adapting to this trend requires businesses to rethink their Instagram strategy.

It’s not enough to just have a presence on the platform, businesses need to optimize their profiles and posts for shopping.

This includes creating high-quality content that showcases the product, writing compelling product descriptions, and using relevant product tags.

With the right approach, Instagram can become a major sales channel, driving traffic and conversions to your website.

5. Growing Importance of IGTV Videos

Instagram’s IGTV platform has become increasingly influential in the digital marketing sphere.

IGTV has evolved into a key component of brand strategies, creating an avenue for longer, more engaging video content.

Unlike regular Instagram posts, IGTV videos can be up to an hour long, offering marketers a unique opportunity to dive into detail about products, services, or virtually any topic that aligns with their brand’s identity.

Moreover, these long-form videos are readily available on the Instagram app, facilitating easy access for millions of potential viewers.

One significant attribute of IGTV is the ability for brands to deeply customize their content, providing an environment ripe for demonstrations, interviews, tutorials, and more.

IGTV represents a golden opportunity for marketers to showcase their brand’s voice and values in a more intimate and comprehensive manner compared to the limited scope of Instagram posts and stories.

Furthermore, the inclusion of IGTV Preview in Instagram feeds has resulted in a surge of views, proving its usefulness in capturing audience attention.

For businesses looking to boost their reach and cultivate a devoted following, the utilization of IGTV is simply indispensable.

IGTV’s search and discovery features also enable businesses to reach potential customers who may not have come across their feed posts or stories.

Importantly, IGTV provides a platform for businesses to share vertical videos, a format that is seeing increasing popularity, particularly amongst mobile users.

Given the wide-ranging benefits, we’re witnessing a shift toward businesses, not only creating but also advertising on IGTV.

It’s an excellent opportunity to engage audiences in novel ways, showcasing the human side of a brand which in turn builds trust and loyalty.

Moreover, with Instagram’s algorithm favoring users who engage with all of its different functions, adopting IGTV into your Instagram strategy seems to be a wise move towards growing your Instagram presence.

The next video provides further insights into leveraging IGTV for business.

With practical examples, you’ll see how brands have effectively used IGTV to engage and expand their customer base.

Overall, the evolution of IGTV makes it a valuable tool for businesses aiming to deepen their connection with their audience while also expanding their reach.

By creating engaging, long-form content that’s aligned with the brand, businesses can utilize IGTV to improve their audience’s perception and boost conversion rates.

Given the current trajectory, the importance of IGTV to businesses and marketers is only set to keep growing.

6. E-commerce Integration for Seamless Shopping

The growing trend of integrating e-commerce into Instagram is revolutionizing the buying experience.

Instagram allows businesses to create shoppable posts where users can directly purchase products without leaving the app.

This trend is becoming more prevalent with the rise of digital shopping due to the ongoing pandemic.

Instagram is a highly visual platform, making it ideal for businesses to showcase their products in an engaging and attractive manner.

Instagram shopping feature has fostered a tremendous rise in product discovery, increasing the possibility of impulse purchases.

Seamless shopping on Instagram is achieved by integrating the app with a business’s online catalog or e-commerce platform.

Instagram’s e-commerce integration has transformed the platform from a simple social media app into a thriving online marketplace.

Instagram’s “Shop” tab conveniently allows users to browse and shop for their favorite products.

The “Checkout on Instagram” feature further simplifies the shopping process by allowing in-app purchases, making Instagram a one-stop shopping destination.

Integrating e-commerce into Instagram allows businesses to track their customer’s buying journey from discovery to purchase.

This integration provides valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and shopping patterns.

Thus, Instagram e-commerce integration is a valuable tool for businesses to increase sales and build brand loyalty.

It’s safe to say that the platform’s shift towards e-commerce integration is expected to continue growing and evolving over time.

Businesses who are adaptable and can successfully harness the power of Instagram’s e-commerce features are likely to reap significant benefits.

However, it is crucial that businesses ensure a seamless user experience, from browsing products to making purchases, to foster lasting customer relationships.

In essence, e-commerce integration has added a new, dynamic layer to Instagram, allowing the platform to venture into uncharted territories and revolutionize online shopping.

7. Use of Micro-Influencers for Promotions

Over the recent years, there’s been a marked shift towards micro-influencer marketing on Instagram.

This trend has only heightened in freshness and relevance to both marketers and businesses alike.

Micro-influencers, typically with a following of 1k to 100k, are becoming increasingly favorable for brands seeking authenticity, engagement, and targeted reach.

Often, it is seen that micro-influencers deliver higher engagement rates than their macro counterparts, leading to higher Return on Investment for marketing campaigns.

Unlike macro-influencers or celebrities, micro-influencers are often perceived as more relatable and authentic, as they share day-to-day experiences, passions, and interests with their followers.

These influencers have cultivated a niche audience who trust their opinion; thus, product recommendations coming from them often hold more weight.

This trust factor is significant.

It leads to greater credibility and high engagement rates, both of which are immensely valuable to brands.

Furthermore, collaborating with micro-influencers can be cost-effective, giving small businesses the opportunity to run influencer marketing campaigns even with a limited budget.

An added advantage is that they often provide a more localized reach, enabling brands targeting a specific region to reach their audience more directly.

Essentially, micro-influencers aren’t just promotional tools, but they serve as a bridge between brands and their target audience, adding a personal touch to marketing campaigns.

This burgeoning trend of utilizing micro-influencers has tremendously evolved Instagram marketing, pushing it towards a more organic and community-based approach.

Brands looking to optimize their Instagram campaigns should therefore consider steering towards micro-influencer collaborations to drive maximum engagement and ROI.

However, successful influencer marketing is not just about selecting any micro-influencer.

It’s about partnering with the right influencers that match your brand’s ethos and target demographic.

To understand how to effectively launch an influencer marketing campaign, watch the following video:

With the right strategy and selection of micro-influencers, brands can provide an authentic and engaging user experience to their audience while expanding their reach on Instagram.

Thus, we can confidently say that the trend of using micro-influencers for promotions on Instagram is not fading anytime soon.

Instead, it is poised to become a key tactic in the toolkit of every Instagram marketer.

8. Personalization Driving User Engagement

One of the major driving forces improving user engagement on Instagram is personalization.

This dimension of social media, particularly on Instagram, is built on the premise that users are more likely to interact with content that is unique and tailored to their interests.

With more than a billion active users per month, Instagram is filled with diverse individuals all searching for different types of content that speak to their unique tastes.

Brands and marketers who understand the power of personalization can tap into this consumer desire for individual-focused content that ultimately drives engagement, creating a stronger and more intimate bond with their audience.

The social media giant provides numerous tools for personalization including location-based content, AI-driven suggestions, and even personalized shopping experiences based on user data.

Instagram is able to collect a myriad of data points on its users—everything from the types of posts they like, their friends, the accounts they interact with the most, and even their online activity outside of the app.

This richness of information enables Instagram to offer each user a highly personalized experience.

The explore page, for instance, is a clear testament to this degree of personalization.

It is a collection of posts, stories, and reels that Instagram’s algorithms believe the user will enjoy, based on their history of likes and interactions within the app.

Another prime example of personalization is Instagram’s targeted advertising.

Ads on Instagram are personalized based on the user’s interests and behaviors, both within and outside the social networking platform.

If a user has been browsing a website for running shoes, for instance, it’s highly likely they’ll encounter ads for sports shoes or sportswear on their Instagram feed.

This precise level of personalization makes the ads more relevant to the user, thereby increasing the probability of engagement.

However, while the opportunities are vast, it is equally important for businesses to approach personalization with respect and care.

Excessive or intrusive personalization could lead to a backlash, potentially harming the brand’s reputation and user engagement.

So, while it’s true that personalization is a driving force behind engagement on Instagram, it’s equally important to maintain a balance, ensuring personalization enhances the user experience without infringing on their privacy.

9. Instagram Reels for Short Video Content

With the increasing popularity of short-form content, one of the latest Instagram trends marketers need to be aware of is the rise of Instagram Reels.

This feature, similar to TikTok, allows users to create 15-second videos, set to music or other audio, giving businesses a creative and engaging way to connect with their audience.

The utilization of Instagram Reels can offer companies an effective platform to showcase their brand, products, or services in a fun and engaging way.

Marketers can use Reels to create behind-the-scenes content, showcase products in action, or share user-generated content.

Additionally, it serves as a great tool for storytelling, allowing brands to create a succession of videos that tell a story, which can make their content more engaging and memorable.

Given its growing popularity, Instagram is also actively promoting Reels content, giving it prime placement on the platform’s Explore page.

This means that videos have a higher chance of being discovered by users who don’t already follow your account.

An essential consideration for marketers is that Instagram Reels should not just be a copy of their TikTok videos.

Each platform has its own unique audience and content preferences, and what works on one might not necessarily work on the other.

Therefore, marketers should aim to create content that is specifically tailored for Instagram Reels users.

Timing is also crucial in Instagram Reels.

Quick and dynamic content tends to perform better on Instagram Reels, so it’s important to keep your videos short, engaging, and to the point.

Using popular hashtags, trending music, and adding text to videos can also significantly increase their visibility and discoverability.

To get a better understanding of how to create high performing Reels, .

As with any Instagram feature, marketers should continually analyze and optimize their content strategy based on their performance metrics.

This will help identify what kinds of content resonate best with their audience, leading to even more successful Instagram Reel campaigns in the future.

10. Authenticity to Connect With Followers

In the era of social media saturation, the genuine connection of users with authentic content has shown prominent growth and is becoming one of the latest Instagram trends marketers need to know.

Users are increasingly becoming critical of the content they consume.

Authenticity in content not only adds value but also differentiates from the crowd of polished and filtered contents which might seem too unrealistic or exaggerated.

The demand for authentic content suggests that users wish to establish a genuine connection with the brands and influencers they follow, making realness a precious currency on Instagram.

Being honest, transparent, and authentic creates trustworthiness and makes people feel connected, leading to a better user engagement.

Instagram stories are a great way to demonstrate authenticity, as they provide a snapshot of daily life and a backstage look at the brands or influencers, which is typically unedited and real.

Showing behind the scenes, incomplete projects, mistakes, the real side of a brand or an influencer, all these unfiltered, unedited contents demonstrate authenticity, and it helps followers to connect more deeply.

When there’s a deeper connection, followers are more likely to engage with posts, talk about your brands or influencers, and become loyal supporters.

It is important to stay true to your brand voice even when you’re being more authentic with your audience.

Even while tackling sensitive subjects, be sincere and authentic, rather than using these occasions solely for marketing purposes.

Convey your values and what you stand for through your posts, as these elements attract like-minded individuals who appreciate authenticity and make your brand or influencer stand out.

Never underestimate the power of authenticity in building a genuine, loyal follower base.

As marketers, it’s crucial to understand the importance of authenticity in the content and how it impacts the engagement rate.

Going forward, the brands and influencers who are authentic and courageous enough to show their real selves will be the ones users connect with the most.

Always remember that authenticity resonates with people since we all crave real human connection.

Embrace authenticity as it is one of the essential components to connect better with your followers and let your unique personality shine through your content.

11. Focusing on Social Issues

Over recent years, Instagram has seen a noticeable shift towards content that focuses on social issues.

This trend is greatly influenced by the sociopolitical climate and the growing expectation for brands to take a stand on issues that matter to their consumers.

More and more, users are leveraging the platform to shine a spotlight on issues such as racial inequality, climate change, mental health, LGBTQ+ rights, and more.

Brands are expected to not just align with these issues in their Instagram content, but to take clear, meaningful action too.

This trend is not just about raising awareness.

It’s about expressing values and beliefs, and encouraging conversation and change.

When addressing social issues, authenticity is crucial.

Users are savvy and sensitive to performative activism, which can harm a brand’s reputation and trustworthiness more than it helps.

Therefore, any stand on social issues taken by a brand on Instagram should be backed by concrete action and commitment.

Transparency is also key.

Brands being open about their efforts, successes, and even failures in addressing social issues will be embraced and respected by the community.

Users value brands that prioritize genuine social commitment over mere self-promotion.

This includes brands that amplify the voices of activists, experts, or everyday people already doing the work of addressing these societal ills.

By aligning with causes that resonate with your audience, you can foster deeper connections with your followers while also contributing positively to important social conversations.

Consider this trend an opportunity to show your brand’s values in action, build deeper connections with your audience and participate in making a positive social impact.

In the following video, some strategies that can help boost traffic, engagement, and sales through Instagram are discussed that you might find helpful.

Remember: social media has proven to be an effective tool for awareness and change, and it’s becoming increasingly clear that consumers expect brands to use that power responsibly.

12. Instagram Story Ads for Promotions

The advertising landscape of Instagram has been significantly reshaped with the introduction of Instagram Story Ads.

Social media marketers are now leveraging the fullscreen, immersive experience provided by Story Ads to connect with their target audience in a more engaging and dynamic way.

Instagram Story Ads can hardly be ignored as they appear in between the stories of the users, making them a powerful tool for promotions and product placements.

Instagram Stories with the sheer volume of its daily active users provides an untapped potential for marketers to reach their audience.

This ad format is ideal for brand awareness, reach, video views, conversions, app installs, and lead generation, offering a plethora of creative possibilities to the advertisers.

The swipe-up feature in Instagram Story Ads conveniently directs users to the advertiser’s website or app, simplifying the user journey and increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Moreover, the capability to target advertisements based on demographics, interests, behavior, and automated targeting allows marketers to reach the right audience at the right time.

Sponsored Stories can be used to showcase a sequence of images or a video, up to 15 seconds long, making them an excellent medium for telling compelling brand stories.

These Story Ads also come with the flexibility of ad scheduling which means advertisers can choose the start and end date for their campaign, ensuring their ads are shown at the optimal time.

Another compelling feature of this ad format is the Instant Experience that loads a fast, full-screen experience when someone clicks on the ad.

Meanwhile, the Polls ad functionality, allows advertisers to add an interactive element to their Instagram Stories Ads, offering a unique way to drive user engagement.

The ability to track and measure performance of the Instagram Story Ads gives marketers valuable insights into ad impressions, reach, replies, and exits to continually improve their advertising efforts.

Evidently, Instagram Story Ads have emerged as a favorite tool among advertisers who want to promote their products, grow their customer base, and increase sales conversions on the Instagram platform.

Whether you are a big brand or a small business, these forms of advertisement offer a compelling way to connect with your audience and drive them to take action.

Incorporating Instagram Story Ads into your marketing strategy can certainly help you to stay ahead in the game and effectively engage with your target audience in this fast-paced digital space.

13. Green Screen Trend in Stories

The green screen trend on Instagram is rapidly growing in popularity, offering both users and marketers new opportunities for creativity and engagement.

This feature, which is a part of Instagram’s vast array of augmented reality filters, allows users to superimpose themselves over any photo or video in their camera roll.

From a marketing perspective, brands can use this feature to create dynamic ads and promotions, putting products in exciting or unusual contexts that attract user attention.

By aligning the green screen trend with their overall branding and marketing strategy, companies can potentially see an increase in user engagement and conversions.

Moreover, the trend allows for more interactive storytelling, giving users or consumers the ability to place themselves in a brand’s narrative.

For instance, a travel company might use the green screen feature to show users ‘visiting’ far-flung destinations, thereby sparking desire and prompting action.

Furthermore, because the feature is easy to use and customizable, it provides an excellent tool for user-generated content.

Encouraging followers to use a brand’s green screen filter could boost visibility, engagement and community-building.

The multifaceted nature of the green screen trend means that it fits well within a variety of content types, whether that be in Instagram Stories, Reels or posts.

Indeed, a particular advantage of using it in Stories is that it can take advantage of swipe-ups, leading directly to product pages or other relevant links.

We will demonstrate how this green screen effect can be added in Instagram Reels:

Ultimately, the success of the green screen trend in Instagram stories is likely to depend on how well it is integrated into an overall content strategy.

As with any trend, it will be those marketers who use the feature innovatively and appropriately who will be most successful.

By bringing fun, flexibility and a fresh way to engage, the green screen trend represents an opportunity not to be missed by those looking to tap into the latest Instagram trends.

Always look out for new ways to utilize this trend, and don’t hesitate to experiment with different ideas to see what resonates with your audience.

By staying on top of trends like the green screen feature in Instagram Stories, marketers will continue to provide users with exciting, engaging content.

14. Cross-Platform Storytelling

Cross-platform storytelling has progressively become a trend in Instagram marketing, empowering businesses to interlink their stories across numerous platforms for comprehensive user coverage.

Essentially, rather than focusing solely on a single platform, cross-platform storytelling opens the door to engage and connect with a broader audience range.

This popular trend, although not entirely new, has recently gained vigorous momentum due to changes in users’ online behavior, creating a more captivating and engaging user experience.

Consumers today interact with a host of social media platforms, and they expect a seamless experience as they transition between them.

By using cross-platform storytelling, brands can reinforce their messages and enhance overall brand recall.

It allows companies to leverage the unique features of each platform, to create a broader and more immersive narrative.

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To succeed in cross-platform storytelling, it is crucial to understand that each social media platform has a unique audience and purpose.

A strategy that performs well on Instagram may not necessarily have the same effect on, say, LinkedIn or Twitter.

The key is to sculpt content that makes the most of each platform’s strengths, while maintaining a consistent brand voice.

This requires taking into account the platform’s demographics, behaviour tendencies, consumption habits, and more.

For this reason, marketers need to be particularly well-versed when it comes to their platforms of choice, as informed decisions can directly impact a campaign’s success.

Brands can start small, by simply repurposing content devised for one platform, and then adjusting it to suit the format of another.

As the strategy evolves, so too can the variety of content offered, adding elements such as blog links on Facebook, product images on Pinterest and movies on IGTV to the mix for a full-fledged cross-platform storytelling experience.

Furthermore, this type of storytelling sidesteps the problem of content saturation, as the brand’s message becomes more prominent through repetition across platforms.

Overall, the increasing use of cross-platform storytelling is a trend that brands on Instagram (and beyond) need to be paying attention to, if they hope to maintain a competitive edge and appeal to their customer base in the new age of digital marketing.

15. User-Generated Content for Engagement

User-generated content (UGC) is an essential trend on Instagram, redefining how brands connect with their audiences.

By leveraging UGC, brands can build trust, establish authenticity, and dramatically improve user engagement.

It’s a trend that sees real users create, post, and share content related to a particular brand or product.

Their posts then become a part of the brand’s content strategy.

UGC promotes organic interaction, creates a sense of community, and significantly amplifies a brand’s reach.

As brands rely on UGC, their engagement rates soar, often higher than any professionally created content.

This is because users view UGC as more trustworthy and authentic.

Moreover, UGC helps brands tap into their audience’s creativity, which brings fresh and diverse content.

The unique perspectives provided by users often result in content that strikes a chord and resonates with other users.

Brands have started to create campaigns that encourage users to share posts about their experiences with products or services.

This not only creates a wealth of content but also facilitates interactions between the brand and its audience.

Another advantage of leveraging UGC is its cost-effectiveness.

Brands save resources that would have been spent creating content, and get an added benefit of content that feels more personalized and human.

The key to successful UGC strategy lies in acknowledging and appreciating users’ contributions.

Regularly featuring user-generated posts and giving credit to the original creators fosters a sense of recognition and builds loyalty towards the brand.

UGC is not limited to just photos or videos.

Brands also encourage users to share reviews, testimonials, and blog posts that other potential customers find valuable.

Additionally, the rise in popularity of ‘hype’ culture has caused a surge in UGC.

Users are more inclined to share their thoughts and feelings about a product or brand if there’s widespread curiosity or excitement around it.

UGC is the ultimate form of word-of-mouth marketing in the digital space.

Every post shared by users serves as a recommendation that attracts new potential customers and followers.

Analytics play a crucial role in UGC strategy.

Brands continuously analyze the performance of user-generated content and preferences of their audience to align their strategies.

Finally, while UGC offers immense opportunities for engagement, brands must manage it carefully.

Monitoring content, securing permissions, and ensuring genuine reviews are key to maintaining trust.

16. Collaborations and Partnerships Growth

Instagram collaborations and partnerships have become an increasingly popular and effective method for brands to expand their reach and attract new followers.

In today’s digital age, brands have recognized the importance of associating with popular influencers, or partnering with like-minded companies to step outside their regular audience pool.

The growth of collaborations is largely attributed to the complementary strengths or the shared audience interests that two brands or an influencer and a brand may have.

Social media collaborations can elevate visibility, increase followers, and boost engagement rates when performed well.

Instagram collaborations are a win-win strategy for both entities involved as they share audiences, content ideas, and traffic.

Marketers are leveraging these collaborations to deliver create unique and engaging content that resonates with both party’s followers.

This strategy aids both the entities to expand their reach, tapping into each other’s user bases and encouraging new followers and increased engagement.

For example, a fashion brand could collaborate with a lifestyle influencer to showcase their clothes in a variety of settings, thereby reaching new potential customers in the influencer’s audience who may not know about the brand.

Another popular collaboration strategy involves partnering with another organization for a contest or giveaway.

This often involves requiring users to follow both accounts and like or comment on the post to enter the giveaway, providing a compelling reason for people to engage with the post, follow the accounts, and potentially increase the accounts’ visibility in Instagram’s algorithm.

While the idea of collaborations is not new, the trend is certainly on the rise as marketers continue to recognize their potential for expanding reach and fostering engagement.

Therefore, it is crucial for marketers to consider strategic collaborations and partnerships as part of their Instagram strategy to stay on top of the latest Instagram trends and effectively connect with their audience.

In essence, Instagram collaborations and partnerships are a powerful tool that allow brands to tap into new demographics, create exciting content, and grow their digital presence.

Moreover, collaborations can take various forms, from hosting an Instagram Live session with a partner to taking over each other’s accounts, or even just mentioning each other in posts.

However, it’s important to a carefully selected partner ensures the collaboration aligns with the brand’s image and resonates with its audience.

Additionally, a clearly defined collaboration strategy is crucial to ensure that the goals of the collaboration are met and both parties receive measurable benefits.

17. Adoption of Carousel Posts Trend

In the ever-evolving landscape of Instagram, a very important trend that marketers have started to adopt is the use of carousel posts.

Carousel posts offer businesses a unique opportunity to tell a more enriched and detailed story with a series of slides, featuring different photos or videos on the same post.

Carousel posts can feature up to 10 images or videos, each with their own captions, thus allowing you to share more detailed content in a single post.

The carousel format works well for how-to guides, product catalogs, step-by-step processes, or anything that would benefit from a multi-step or multi-component layout.

One of the major advantages of using carousel posts is the opportunity it provides for multi-sided storytelling, enabling brands to engage users with more diversified content.

Brands can utilize this trend to provide their followers a more immersive and interactive content experience by swiping through a collection of images or videos.

Instagram’s algorithm favors these kinds of posts, boosting them higher in feeds and increasing the chances of maximizing visibility and engagement.

Carousel posts also encourage more time spent on a single piece of content, enhancing the potential for engagement.

With the option of adding up to ten images or videos in a carousel post, marketers are not confined to a single message.

They can weave multiple elements into one story, thus creating a richer experience for their audience.

You can learn more about creating Instagram Carousel posts by watching a helpful tutorial.

As a reminder, marketers should carefully plan the sequence of images or videos, as this is crucial in storytelling.

A poorly executed carousel post might appear disjointed and confusing, potentially resulting in lower engagement levels.

Marketers should also experiment with a mix of images, videos and text within the same carousel to keep followers intrigued.

To summarize, the adoption of the carousel post trend can provide brands with a more flexible canvas to share a richer narrative and deliver a more engaging and immersive experience for their audience.

18. Increasing Use of Instagram Polls

One of the latest Instagram trends that marketers need to know is the increasing use of Instagram polls in marketing strategies.

Instagram polls provide a fast and interactive way for brands to engage with their audience, understand their preferences and gain valuable feedback.

These polls can be conveniently located in Instagram stories, which are viewed by over 500 million users daily.

While traditional methods of collecting customer opinions like surveys or focus groups can be tedious, Instagram polls make the process more spontaneous and enjoyable.

They present an opportunity to make your content interactive while gaining insight into your audience’s preferences.

Instagram polls are also a great way to drive engagement and visibility, as participants’ followers can see their votes.

When users interact with your polls, it sends a signal to the Instagram algorithm that they are interested in your content, thus improving your visibility in their feed and increasing the chances of your content being featured on the Explore page.

There are various formats you can use for your Instagram polls, such as the binary ‘yes or no’ poll, the emoji slider poll that measures the degree of users’ feelings towards a topic, or the quiz poll that tests users’ knowledge.

E-commerce brands, for example, can use the polls to take a quick ‘yes or no’ poll on whether their followers would be interested in a new product or design.

Polls can also be used to measure user satisfaction levels after a product launch or an event.

Moreover, travel agencies, for instance, can use them to gauge interest in proposed holiday destinations or to receive feedback on their service quality.

Brands must use their creativity to tailor their polls to their own unique marketing needs and objectives.

Consequently, the success of the Instagram poll trend rests upon how effectively marketers are able to use them to their advantage, and to adapt the polls to their own unique marketing needs and objectives for maximum benefit.

Instagram polls offer a wealth of untapped potential for businesses to grow, connect with their audience, and enhance their marketing tactics.

They are among the most versatile tools that Instagram provides for brands to create a iterative feedback loop with their followers.

With such a simple yet powerful tool at their disposal, it’s no surprise that more and more businesses are starting to incorporate Instagram polls into their social media marketing strategies.

19. Shift Towards Educational Content

Recent Instagram trends have seen a significant shift towards educational content. This trend is largely due to the worldwide increase in Internet usage and mobile device accessibility, prompting digital audiences to use social media in their quest for knowledge.

The global pandemic has also fueled this trend, forcing institutions, organizations, and individuals to embrace digital platforms for teaching and learning purposes.

Moreover, the Instagram algorithm continues to evolve in favor of high-quality educational content.

Users are more likely to engage with content that encourages learning and gaining insights.

Businesses and influencers are capitalizing on this trend by creating and sharing informative content related to their niche, helping them to establish authority and credibility amongst their followers.

Furthermore, the addition of Instagram’s Guides feature has provided more opportunities for businesses and creators to curate and share educational Instagram content seamlessly.

Adding value to your followers through educational content helps brands build trust and foster strong consumer relationships, thus having an edge in this competitive marketplace.

Therefore, it’s crucial for businesses to integrate educational content into their Instagram marketing strategies, aimed at educating, informing, and inspiring audiences.

To effectively leverage this trend, businesses need to understand their target audience’s needs and interests and create content that caters to those needs.

From step-by-step guides and how-tos, expert advice, and informative IGTV videos to interactive polls and quizzes which not only educate but also engage, there are myriad ways brands can creatively utilize Instagram to impart knowledge.

Moreover, sharing user-generated educational content can also prove beneficial, further encouraging engagement and creating a more connected community.

It’s important to blend this educational content with other forms of content to maintain a balanced and diverse Instagram feed that caters to all types of user preferences.

The growth of Instagram as an educational platform can be leveraged by businesses and influencers alike to drive higher engagement, build brand authority, boost conversions, and ultimately, grow their overall online presence.

This trend also underlines the pressing need for businesses to consistently measure and analyze the performance of their educational content, fine-tuning their strategies based on insights derived from data.

There’s no sign of this trend slowing down anytime soon, with more and more Instagram users craving valuable and informative content.

As the saying goes, knowledge is power, and Instagram is becoming a mighty tool in disseminating this power.

For ideas on how to implement this in your marketing strategy, consider watching this video.

20. Innovations in Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories have evolved from being a simple way of sharing the daily moments of life to a platform for creativity and out-of-the-box content presentation.

From sporting events to small businesses and even personal profiles, the use of stories on Instagram has increased dramatically, showing a promising trend for marketers.

One of the ways in which Instagram Stories have innovated digital marketing strategies is through the incorporation of extra creativity, like the use of Augmented Reality (AR) and GIFs.

Adding AR filters to your stories, for instance, allows brands to engage deeply with their audiences by providing a unique and interactive experience, a move that promises to take user engagement to the next level.

With the advent of new technologies like AR, Instagram stories have become a platform for creating novel storytelling experiences that are captivating, interactive, and highly engaging.

On top of that, the widespread use of GIFs in Instagram Stories has contributed to making the platform more engaging and fun for users, setting the tone for more free and lighter communication.

Besides, the social media giant has added new features like “Music” and “Polls” to Instagram Stories that enable brands to interact with their audiences in real-time, leading to greater audience engagement.

Interactive stickers, questions, countdowns, and quizzes have all become integral parts of the story creation process, making Instagram Stories a hub for consumer engagement.

Furthermore, Instagram stories now allow users to add shoppable tags, turning potential customers into actual buyers within a couple of swipes and clicks, thus boosting e-commerce sales.

Swipe up links has also been another great innovation in Instagram Stories which makes it easy to drive traffic to other platforms or websites.

Furthermore, with carousel ads in Instagram Stories, brands have the chance to use three consecutive cards within an ad set, providing more content space for marketers to convey their messages more effectively.

Lastly, Instagram Stories provide a great platform for UGC (User Generated Content), where users can share a brand’s post in their story.

This helps brands to reach a wider audience through their consumer’s Instagram accounts and massively boost their visibilities, thus making it a win-win situation.

Innovations in Instagram Stories have undeniably transformed the way marketers approach their strategies, with interactive and engaging content that not only attracts audiences but also successfully converts them into consumers.

As new features continue to roll out, the swiping style of Instagram Stories is likely to continue to evolve, making it a space marketers need to watch closely.

21. Rise of Meme Marketing

Among the numerous Instagram trends that marketers should be aware of is the rise of meme marketing.

The use of memes as marketing tools has been steadily growing, particularly on Instagram where visual content rules.

Businesses are adopting meme marketing as a way to connect with their audience, drive engagement, and boost their brand’s visibility.

Memes are a form of user-generated content that can significantly increase brand engagement as they are relatable, entertaining, and shareable.

Meme marketing allows brands to showcase their personality, stay relevant, and trigger emotions in their audience.

At the heart of effective meme marketing is the understanding that memes need to align with the brand’s image, voice, and target audience to be effective.

Memes are a powerful communication tool in today’s digital age as they can effortlessly cut through the internet noise and capture the audience’s attention.

It’s important to remember that memes should be clever, timely, and relatable to your audience to drive the desired engagement and interest.

Platforms like Instagram have made sharing and discovering memes easier hence, widening the reach and potential impact of brand meme marketing.

Also, users are more likely to share memes with their followers, thereby increasing the brand’s reach, visibility, and influence on Instagram.

Crafting a successful meme marketing strategy requires a deep understanding of the internet culture, trends, and jargons as well as the tastes and interests of the target audience.

Memes present a unique and fun way for brands to engage with their audience and to stand out in the crowded Instagram feed.

To get started with meme marketing, refer to this informative video below:

Take note that while meme marketing can be highly effective, it needs to be executed with care and creativity to ensure it resonates with and appeals to the target audience.

Lastly, always stay up-to-date with the latest trends in meme marketing and constantly fine-tune your strategies to maximize your results on Instagram.

22. Increased Use of GIFs in Stories

The rise of using GIFs in Instagram Stories is a trend that has become increasingly popular among users and marketers alike.

As a tool for communication, the use of GIFs allows for a more engaging and dynamic way to convey messages and emotions.

GIFs are not new in the realm of digital communication but their integration into Instagram Stories has been somewhat of a game-changer for this feature.

Due to their moving and looping nature, GIFs can capture the attention of users more effectively than static images.

They can also be utilized to add comedic effect, to underscore a particular point, or to resonate with the audience’s experiences and emotions.

Therefore, it’s no wonder that GIFs have rocketed up the rank when it comes to Instagram Story elements.

From a marketing perspective, the use of GIFs in Stories can enhance brand visibility and boost user engagement.

Marketers can use customized GIFs that align with their brand identity to promote products or services in a creative and entertaining way.

Moreover, by encouraging followers to use these customized GIFs, brands can expand their reach and visibility on the platform.

Another approach to using GIFs as a marketing tool on Instagram is through the creation of branded GIFs for followers to use in their own Stories.

This not only allows users to interact with the brand, but it also helps to disseminate the brand’s content organically.

Considering the algorithmic favoritism towards content that generates engagement, the use of GIFs can contribute to a better performance of the Instagram Stories from brands and influencers.

It’s clear that incorporating GIFs into Instagram Stories is a trend that is here to stay, given the evident benefits for brands and the platform’s users.

As long as marketers continue to leverage this tool in a way that aligns with their brand image and appeals to their target audience, the use of GIFs will undoubtedly continue to be a pivotal part of Instagram Story marketing strategies.

Ultimately, the increased use of GIFs in Instagram Stories mirrors the overall evolution of digital communication towards more interactive and dynamic content.

23. Instagram’s Explore Page for Discovery

The Instagram Explore page has emerged as a crucial platform for businesses and marketers.

It’s a space where Instagram highlights trending content, and users discover new profiles, posts, or brands that align with their interests.

Showing up in the Explore page can significantly enhance your visibility and outreach, potentially reaching thousands of new followers.

It’s important to note that the Explore page isn’t one-size-fits-all.

Instagram uses an algorithm that tailors this page based on an individual’s past interactions and interests.

If you want to be featured on the Explore page, you need to consider how your content can meet and exceed this algorithm’s expectations.

You need to understand what kind of content resonates with your target audience, to enhance your chances of appearing on their Explore page.

Engagement is key when it comes to getting on the Explore page.

Interactive content that encourages likes, comments, and shares is more likely to be promoted by Instagram.

Instagram values authentic engagement, so it’s critical to strive for genuine interactions rather than chasing sheer numbers.

Providing consistent, high-quality content is also crucial, as Instagram tends to favor posts that interest other users over a longer period.

Understanding and leveraging the Instagram Explore page can play a significant role in a brand’s growth.

You also want to encourage interactions off Instagram, such as sharing a post link in your email newsletters, blogs, or other social media.

It may also help to get your content shared on the Explore page.

You can try experimenting with different content forms, timings, and strategies to maximize your chances of getting featured on the Explore page.

Finally, remember the goal of the Explore page isn’t just to get seen but to facilitate meaningful engagement with potential followers and enhance your brand’s presence on the platform.

With strategic planning and continuous adjustments based on data-driven insights, you can harness the power of the Instagram Explore page and make it a cornerstone of your Instagram marketing strategy.

For more insights about how to feature your content on the Explore page and grow organically on Instagram, watch the informative video below.

In the ever-evolving Instagram landscape, staying abreast with the latest trends, such as optimizing for the Explore page, can give your brand the competitive edge it needs to succeed in 2022.

24. Interactive Stickers for Better Engagement

Interactive stickers have emerged as a significant trend in the Instagram Stories feature, and they are proving instrumental in fostering better engagement.

An interactive sticker is a clickable element in a story that prompts a user to take some sort of action.

It could be a poll, a hashtag, a location tag, or even a product tag and these simple add-ons can significantly boost the interactivity of your Instagram stories.

Interactive stickers offer a playful way to engage with your followers and can boost the overall interactivity of your Instagram stories.

By adding an interactive sticker to your Stories, you essentially invite your audience to become a part of the conversation.

They can participate in your polls, click on your product tags to purchase directly, or even visit the tagged location – all from your story itself.

This level of interaction is not just enjoyable for the user but also provides valuable data for the marketer.

Poll stickers can reveal your audience’s preferences, product stickers show the products they’re interested in, and question stickers give you a chance to interact directly with your followers.

Moreover, Instagram algorithm loves engagement and rewards it with better reach and visibility.

So, the more people interact with your Stories, the more chances you’ll get to appear at the front of their Stories feed.

This new trend of interactive stickers is not just limited to businesses and marketers; even influencers are using them to keep their followers engaged and active.

As a result, it is a great tool that every Instagram user seeking better engagement should incorporate into their strategy.

Since Instagram is consistently rolling out new types of interactive stickers like countdowns, music, sliders, quizzes and more, staying informed about these new features can give marketers an edge.

To use stickers effectively, and to ensure your followers engage with them, it is essential to know your audience well.

Use those stickers which align with your content strategy and audience preference.

Stickers are a fun, versatile, and interactive feature that can make your Stories stand out and give a significant boost to your Instagram engagement.

25. Emphasis on Mental Health and Wellness Content

With internet trends constantly evolving, one of the emerging trends on Instagram is the growing emphasis on mental health and wellness content.

In recent times, Instagram has seen a surge in the number of content creators and influencers promoting mental health and wellness.

They do this by sharing inspirational quotes, self-care tips, and their own personal stories or experiences with their audience.

These influencers lend a sympathetic ear or offer words of comfort, which proves immensely comforting to an individual grappling with similar issues.

Sharing a personal journey can transform someone’s life, even if they’re thousands of miles away.

Their honest representations about tackling mental health issues resonate with their followers and often create a supportive space for open discussions about mental health.

Yoga and meditation tutorials, healthy meal ideas, and tips for maintaining a positive mindset are commonly featured in wellness content.

Content creators frequently use various Instagram features such as the carousel posts format to share mindfulness techniques or show fitness routines, and the Instagram Stories feature to post regular wellness and mental health checks.

Marketers should take note of this trend and consider incorporating mental health and wellness content into their marketing strategies, especially for businesses within the health and wellness industry.

This trend has proven its scope and relevance, as shown by Instagram’s introduction of a new ‘Guides’ feature which is heavily used by wellness influencers to compile and share resources related to mental health.

A unique marketing strategy could be partnering with a wellness influencer and promote a product or a service that aligns with maintaining good mental health and overall wellness.

Another tactic could be to utilize Instagram’s ‘Explore’ page, which tailors its content to each user’s interests, to reach your target audience effectively.

Moreover, this type of content aligns perfectly with Instagram’s mission to become the leading platform for digital storytelling, as mental health and wellness stories are, by nature, deeply personal and engaging.

The growing emphasis on mental health and wellness on Instagram shows the platform’s role in fostering a supportive and positive community.

Its authentic nature holds an immense potential for marketers, but it’s essential to approach it respectfully and thoughtfully while maintaining a sensitive tone.

Final Thoughts

Instagram Strategies have witnessed a distinct evolution with a prominent shift towards features that enhance user engagement, promote authenticity, and offer smooth e-commerce experiences.

There is a growing preference for real, short video content and live streaming, and innovative uses of Augmented Reality filters, Reels, and IGTV have become highly popular.

Furthermore, the platform has also seen a rise in the use of guides, story ads, carousel posts, interactive stickers, polls, and Instagram’s Explore page for better reach and interaction.

While micro-influencers continue to play a pivotal role in promotions, the platform also fosters a space for cross-platform storytelling, collaborations, and partnerships.

The emphasis on personalization, authenticity, user-generated content and social issues reflect Instagram’s commitment to connect with followers on a deeper level.

Additionally, the trending use of meme marketing and GIFs signal a more humor-driven content approach.

It’s clear that Instagram is not just a social platform anymore but a powerful tool for storytelling, education, mental health advocacy, and business growth.

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